Plastic Bag Charge to Rise to At Least HK$1 in Dec
Hong Kong/Current Events/

Plastic Bag Charge to Rise to At Least HK$1 in December

The government announced yesterday (Oct. 19) the passing of subsidiary laws pertaining to the Plastic Shopping Bag Charging Scheme in the Legislative Council, which includes increasing the cost of plastic bags in Hong Kong, according to a government press release on the same day

The enhancements in the laws are to be implemented on Dec. 311, including the increase of charging level per plastic shopping bag from the current charge of 50 cents to HK$1 and removing the exemption of plastic shopping bags carrying frozen and chilled foods.

“The Government will promote the scheme's enhancements to the trade and the public and prepare a best practice guideline for the trade to understand the relevant requirements,” read the press release.  

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