More Relaxed Entry in Macau for HK, China, Taiwan Visitors

Macau Gov’t: New, More Relaxed Entry Rules for HK, Mainland China, Taiwan

The Macau government made a late-night announcement for the new, more relaxed COVID-19-related entry rules for Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China tourists. The updated parameters will take effect March 14 at 12 AM.

Visitors coming from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are not required to present a nucleic acid amplification test, or NAAT, to enter Macau. NAAT is the technique behind the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), the gold standard for detecting specifically the presence of SARS-CoV-2 or the virus that causes COVID-19.

Meanwhile, persons who will enter mainland China or Hong Kong from Macau also don’t need to present a NAAT/RT-PCT test. For those going straight to the mainland from Macau, they must present a boarding pass/ferry ticket or verified destination.

Visitors who came from Taiwan or any foreign country within seven days before arriving in Macau or Hong Kong will have to present a negative NAAT/RT-PCR within 48 hours. Anyone arriving from foreign countries will have to provide a negative antigen or NAAT/RT-PCR test.

For more information regarding the anti-epidemic measures in Macau, with Mandarin or Portuguese options, please scan the QR codes on this infographic.

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