Chrome Extensions to Download for a Healthy Desk Job
Manila/Digital/Health Tech

Chrome Extensions to Download to Stay Healthy at Your Desk Job

Chrome Extensions to Download to Stay Healthy at Your Desk Job

Before graduating, you told yourself you want an exciting job and don’t want to be stuck in front of a desk. Sadly, that didn’t happen, and you found a desk job that pays the bills (and your hobbies) instead. While that’s sorted, remember that desk jobs can bring health problems if you don’t take care of yourself properly. If you’re too busy meeting deadlines, there are small things you can do to prevent your health from declining fast. A good example is downloading Chrome extensions, which you can incorporate with your work routine. Here are some that we recommend.


lower back pain, in front of work desk

You already know that sitting in front of a desk all day is bad for your health, but do you do something about it? Probably not, especially when you’re busy studying or working on an important task. Improper posture can cause back pain, neck pain, headache, poor sleep, and a change in the natural curves of our spine. Don’t wait for these discomforts to affect you to the point that you’ll need the help of a physical therapist. Get the PostureMinder extension, so you can set a timer and be reminded to correct your posture every time.

Eye Care Notification

woman with glasses in front of laptop

Same as improper posture, being in front of the computer (and mobile screen) for an extended period of time isn’t good for your eye health. If you don’t take frequent breaks, you’ll end up suffering from symptoms related to eye strain, such as dry or watery eyes, blurred or double vision, itchy eyes, headache, and increased sensitivity to light. With the Eye Care Notification extension, you can follow the 20-20-20 rule where you take a break every 20 minutes, focus on something 20 feet away, and look away for at least 20 seconds.

Desk Athlete

woman at work stretching arms and raising feet

You’ve finally decided to “desk-ercise” to improve your mobility and fitness, but the problem is you don’t know where to start and if you’re doing it right. With the Desk Athlete extension, you don’t have to open a new tab or window and search for a desk exercise. It will open a small pop-up where you can watch more than 40 simple 30-second instructional videos. You can also add custom exercises if you want.

Check-In Chicken

man sleeping on work desk

You finally found your focus on a certain task, and the next thing you know several hours have passed. While that’s a good thing, you shouldn’t forget to take a break! With the Check-In Chicken extension, you can set a study and break timer. It will also check how you’re feeling (happy, neutral, or sad) and give advice on what to do during your break, like suggesting a relaxing Spotify playlist. Although it’s a study timer, it works the same for adults trying to make their work routine healthier.


guy wearing headphones at work

Some people work better when it’s dead silent, while others need to listen to music to hype them up. But what if you’re in between and you find silence deafening and music distracting? It’s stressful not to get work done, and that stress can pile up and affect your mental health. With the Noisli extension, you can “mix different sounds and create your perfect sound environment for working and relaxing.” It provides background sounds that can mask annoying noises and help you focus more.

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