Causeway Link Opens 1st 24-Hour Cross-Border Bus Service

Causeway Link Opens First 24-Hour Cross-Border Bus Service

From Aug. 1 onwards, Malaysia’s distinctive Smiling Bus will make it possible for you to navigate between Singapore and Johor Bahru anytime. On July 18, the company announced that their CW2 service between Queen Street Terminal and Johor Bahru CIQ Building will be available 24/7 starting next month. The midnight service will be available from 11 PM to 4 AM, with a one-way fare costing S$4.80. The company said EZ-Link and NETS are not covered by this extended service.

The revised service hours come amid a heightened demand for a more flexible planning to save travelers from spending on expensive late night taxi fares between Singapore and Johor Bahru. But despite the new offer, many customers expressed their dismay. In the comments section following the announcement, some customers lamented that instead of changing the bus frequency, the company should first solve the long waiting time during rush hour.

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