Home Remedies for Healthy and Strong Nails | The Beat
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Home Remedies and Tips to Keep Your Nails Healthy and Strong

Home Remedies and Tips to Keep Your Nails Healthy and Strong

Our nails reflect a part of ourselves, especially in the hygiene department. Making sure that our nails are clean and healthy-looking will boost our confidence in our overall appearance. But you do not have to go to the salon to have your nails done professionally. There are practices and remedies you can do at home to make sure that those nails are at their best.

In this article, we gathered expert advice and best practices to help you understand proper nail care.

Take Biotin Everyday

Known as vitamin B7, biotin is a cellular health supplement in charge of keeping your nails healthy. It helps nails grow thicker to prevent damage like chipping or cracking.

Along with having a well-rounded lifestyle, adding this vitamin to your diet can guarantee healthier nails. You can indulge in biotin-rich foods such as avocados, bananas, carrots, egg yolks, hamburgers, legumes, liver, salmon, and yeast.

Have A Break from Nail Polish

Wearing nail polish won’t harm or weaken your nails because it is only applied to the nail plate. The hard part of the nail is considered as dead cells and consists of protein and keratin.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to give your nails a break from nail polish every now and then especially if you are experiencing the following conditions:

  • Dry nails
  • Nails tend to bend easily
  • White spots or stains on your nails (also known as keratin granulation)
  • Peeling nails caused by dehydration

If you want to protect the polish from peeling, you should wear gloves when gardening or cleaning the house to avoid the dirt from getting under your nails.

Moisturize Nail Bed and Cuticles

Using cuticle oil or nail moisturizer can keep your nail from becoming fragile because it protects the nail bed (skin underneath your fingernail) from harsh chemicals. You can apply petroleum jelly or hand cream as an alternative in case you do not have cuticle oil products. Make sure to wear special cotton gloves or socks after applying for intensive moisturizing.

When buying a moisturizer, choose the product that contains alpha-hydroxy acids that promote rejuvenation. Lastly, avoid long, hot baths because hot water damages the nail bed.

Limit Manicures from Salons

To keep your nails healthy, you should only seek nail services from professional manicurists. Beware of some salons that use toxic chemicals in their products. Exposure to these ingredients may cause your nails to suffer and become brittle.

If you notice redness around the base of your nail after a manicure, you nails could be suffering from nail bed infection. If left untreated, this condition may lead to serious fungal infection.

Always Check Your Nail Tools

Know when to buy and use the right items for your nail care kit. For nail files, it is recommended to use those with high grit and finer files for natural nails. Meanwhile, coarser grit is best for acrylic nail extensions.

When choosing a nail polish remover, it is better to use non-acetone removers because they are milder and contain hydrating oils that lessen the dryness of fingernails. Non-acetone polish remover works best for those who have sensitive skin and nails.

If you are looking for the best nail brush that can remove the dirt from your fingernails, you can choose the product with soft brushes and nylon bristles.

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