Tree Walks: Family-Friendly Hiking Routes in Hong Kong
Hong Kong/ Nomads/ Explore

Hike and Learn Tree Species Along the Way With These Family-Friendly Hiking Routes in Hong Kong

Hike and Learn Tree Species Along the Way With These Family Friendly Hiking Routes in Hong Kong

Hiking doesn’t always have to be an activity where you go from Point A to B and that’s it. Reaching a goal is gratifying, but the things you learn through the path you take can be equally rewarding. For parents, you can make hiking educational by letting your kids identify different types of trees as you go along. Here are some family-friendly hiking routes in Hong Kong where you can enjoy a nice tree walk.

Tai Tan Tree Walk
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Tai Tan Tree Walk

Tai Tan Tree Walk is a circular hiking route in Sai Kung that passes through a barbecue and outing site. It’s lined with 17 common tree species and interpretation plates, so each species is easy to identify. Its highest elevation is around 36 metres, and the route is flat and smooth.

Start and end point: Tai Tan Campsite (GeoInfo Map)

Length and estimated duration: 0.23 kilometres for 0.3 hours

Available tree species: Machilus thunbergii (Red Machilus), Ilex asprella (Plum-leaved Holly), Antidesma bunius (Chinese Laurel), Sapium discolor (Mountain Tallow Tree), Adinandra millettii (Millett's Adinandra), and many more

Tai Tan Tree Walk
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Chung Pui Tree Walk

Chung Pui Tree Walk is a circular hiking route in North New Territories. Located at the foot Hsien Ku Fung, this route features 14 species of trees and views of the Plover Cove Reservoir. Its highest elevation is 38 metres, which is a few walks after you’ve reached half of the route.

Start and end point: Chung Pui Barbecue Site (GeoInfo Map)

Length and estimated duration: 0.25 kilometres for 0.2 hours

Available tree species: Acacia confusa (Taiwan Acacia), Litsea glutinosa (Pond Spice), Bridelia tomentosa (Pop-gun Seed), Sapium sebiferum (Chinese Tallow), Schefflera heptaphylla (Ivy Tree), and many more

Chung Pui Tree Walk
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Kam Shan Tree Walk

Kam Shan Tree Walk is a one-way hiking route located in Kam Shan Country Park. It offers a beautiful scenery with the adjoining Kowloon Byewash Reservoir and 15 interpretation plates of different tree species along the way. The catch with this one, though, is you have to walk back to the start point once you’ve reached the end point to take public transportation.

Start point: Kowloon Reservoir along Stage 6 MacLehose Trail at Golden Hill Road (GeoInfo Map)

End point: Kowloon Reception Reservoir

Length and estimated duration: 1 kilometre for 0.5 hours

Available tree species: Acronychia pedunculata (Acronychia), Garcinia oblongifolia (Lingnan Garcinia), Artocarpus hypargyreus (Sweet Artocarpus), Ormosia semicastrata (Soft-fruited Ormosia), Pinus massoniana (Chinese Red Pine), and many more

Kam Shan Tree Walk
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Clear Water Bay Tree Walk

Clear Water Bay Tree Walk is a hiking route in Sai Kung that starts with its highest elevation point (112 metres) where you can find a viewing platform and visitor centre. The route goes down to 60 metres midway then goes up again at 110 metres at the end point. There are 10 interpretation plates available with details on various tree species along the way.

Start point: Clear Water Bay Country Park Visitor Centre (GeoInfo Map)

End point: Tai Hang Tun Barbecue Site

Length and estimated duration: 1.2 kilometres for 0.5 hours

Available tree species: Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa (Elephant's Ear), Schima superba (Chinese Gugertree), Symplocos cochinchinensis var. laurina (Laurel Sweet-leaf), Ficus hispida (Rough-leaved Stem-fig), Alangium chinense (Chinese Alangium), and many more

Clear Water Bay Tree Walk
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