Here's Why Changi Airport Will Go Passport-free in 2024
Singapore/ Nomads/ Explore

Passport-free! Changi Airport to Use Biometrics Clearance by 2024

Heres Why Changi Airport Will Go Passport free in 2024

Good news for globetrotters! Singapore’s Changi Airport introduced automated biometric immigration clearance, replacing the traditional passport system, the Aviation Week Network reported on Sept. 21.

Singapore’s Minister for Communications and Information and Second Minister for Home Affairs Josephine Teo confirmed that the automated clearance system will be rolled out in the first half of 2024. The new passport-free rules aim to enhance border control, considering the surge in air traffic and traveler volume next year, all while maintaining the highest standards of security.

Furthermore, the dwindling workforce and ageing demographics in the immigration department are contributing factors necessitating this innovative approach.

Under this new system, each passenger's biometric data will be used to generate a unique authentication token, which will streamline the entire process, eliminating the need for repetitive document presentations at various checkpoints, from baggage claim to immigration and boarding.

Notably, the automated immigration clearance process is being coordinated with other countries and relevant cross-border transport operators.

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