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Vaccine Pass

HK Govt announces New Vaccine Pass requirements

HK Gov’t Announces New Vaccine Pass Rules

The Hong Kong government has announced relaxed social distancing measures that will begin Nov. 17
20220909 Vaccine Age Lowered

Vaccine Pass Age Lowered to Five

The government has announced that the applicable age for the COVID-19 vaccine pass is now five and the grace period for people aged 12 and above has been shortened from six months to five months.
Persons with Amber Code Allowed to Enter B2 B Conventions and Expos

Persons with Amber Code Allowed to Enter B2B Conventions and Expos

The government from today will allow persons with amber codes in their Vaccine Pass to participate in business-to-business conventions and exhibitions.
Hair Salons Given Go Ahead to Open Tomorrow

Hair Salons Given Go-Ahead to Open Tomorrow

Hair salons and barbers will be able to re-open tomorrow under the government’s vaccine pass scheme.
Vaccine Pass Plan Presenting at Venues Simplified by Govt

Rules Set for City-Wide Vaccine Pass for Feb. 24

The LeaveHomeSafe app will now beep scanning unvaccinated people when entering a regulated premise, like a restaurant.
Vaccine Pass Plan Presenting at Venues Simplified by Govt

Vaccine Pass Plan Presenting at Venues Simplified by Gov't

Food & Health Department have announced that both paper and electronic record are applicable for entry to public venues after vaccine pass comes in.