Apps for Anxiety as Reviewed by Professionals
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Better Mental Health: Apps for Anxiety That Are Reviewed by Professionals

Better Mental Health Apps for Anxiety That Are Reviewed by Professionals

The pandemic, the elections, the uncertainty of the future — a lot of distressing things are happening all at the same time that we can’t help but feel overwhelmed. While these take a toll on our mental health, we have to find something that will help us cope so our negative feelings won’t spiral down further.

We’ve listed below some apps for anxiety that may help. These are reviewed and published on One Mind PsyberGuide, a non-profit website that seeks to help consumers in making “responsible and informed decisions about computer and device-assisted therapies for mental illnesses.”


Happify aims to help reduce anxiety, stress, and negative thinking. Upon downloading, users need to create an account and answer a questionnaire. The questions will help the app suggest a “track,” which includes activities and games that help users achieve their goals. The tracks are based on cognitive behavioral principles therapy, positive psychology, and mindfulness to improve emotional well-being.

According to Ellen Belluomini, Ph.D., MSW’s review of the app in October 2019, Happify can be used by anyone (from consumers to clinicians), including those who are not engaged with a licensed professional. It uses motivational interviewing techniques that may support those who are hesitant in using an app for therapeutic use. There are more than 60 tracks, and each exercise is designed to develop, practice, and reinforce positive habits. While the app is free, it offers less options and would need a paid version to get unlimited access to the tracks.

Download: App Store | Google Play

happify app
Photo by Website/Apple Store


Woebot is an AI-powered chatbot that guides users in managing their distressing thoughts and feelings using the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It works like a fully automated conversational agent — similar to Siri or Alexa — that people can chat with. After creating an account, users can type their mood (and details explaining their mood) and the app will reply with tools, skills, and strategies to help. The responses can be in a form of text, emojis, videos, or gifs.

According to Colleen Stiles-Shields, Ph.D.’s review of the app in August 2019, Woebot is easy to navigate, but is more geared towards the younger generation of adults who are experiencing stress, trouble sleeping, and other wellness difficulties. It tries to engage with users every day using push notifications that check the user’s mood, send encouragement for completing a task, and even make jokes. While it’s a useful app, it can get repetitive so it’s best to still pair it with seeing a therapist if users have more serious mental concerns.

Download: App Store | Google Play | Website

Woebot app
Photo by Website/Apple Store


MoodMission provides different activities, or what the app calls “missions,” to people experiencing symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. Users can describe their feelings (anxious, depressed, or neither) and choose an option that best describes their problem. Based on the responses, the app will provide missions, explain their objectives, and discuss how each mission may help with their feelings.

According to Meredith Meacham, Ph.D., MPH’s review of the app in July 2019, MoodMission is mostly intended for consumers, but it can be used as a collaborative tool with a clinician or therapist. It has a sleek design with warm colors and mountain climbing imagery that serves more as a record for a user’s mood type and intensity than as a tracking tool. The missions aim to break thought cycles that make people feel like they’re stuck.

Download: App Store | Google Play

MoodMission app
Photo by Website/Apple Store

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