The Beat Hong Kong’s Horoscope Guide: Your Playbook for November 2022

Still reeling from the dark thrills of Halloween and the first weekend of Hong Kong nightlife’s full resumption, early November is a time that calls for some calming recuperation.
Similar to the solar eclipse on Oct. 25 that has since brought you some spiritual cleansing, the full moon joint lunar eclipse that comes on Nov. 8 will be a time for emotional cleansing. Don’t fall into the trap of the season and avoid any drama at all cost even when it’s itty bitty petty! Since this awe-inducing blood moon has its ruling sign in Taurus and thanks to the flu-season chills in the air, there’s no better opportunity to play homebody for a minute and take some rest for yourself and by yourself, no matter your sign.
Awaken from your mini mental hibernation towards the tail end of the month once the bold Sagittarius enters Venus on Nov. 15, then the sun on Nov. 22, before culminating in the new moon on Nov. 23. Find your sun sign below to read up on the rest of what the stars have in store that’s just for you over the cycle of this month!
Scorpio: October 23 to November 21
An intense sign as is, this month has the potential to take you to your fever pitch if you don’t learn to relax your stinger. A crucial pinpoint is the lunar eclipse on Nov. 8, a phenomenon notorious for its influence on inducing anxiety and drama, during which you should go against the instinct to question your relationships, but rather, turn that inquisition inwards and find out what you hope for out of the friendship or connection.
Clouded feelings will begin to clear as the skies show the move of the sun into Sagittarius zone on Nov. 22, doubling as a particularly good time to evaluate what you want out of work as well. While you’re at it, having a clear point of reference of your needs and targets on hand will help you to reap the full benefits of Jupiter going direct into Pisces on Nov. 23, which is set to bring in new energy.
Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21
In anticipation of your time to shine, the first few weeks of November is a period of charging, where the battery of your ambitions and social life are sizzling with expectations. It may feel counterintuitive as a fire sign, but for the early section of the month at least, don’t give in to your fiery urges just yet.
Hang tight, and let the moon reach its phase of renewal on Nov. 23, when it is scheduled to enter your sun sign, then kickstart that journey of willing your ideas into reality. Lean into it fully, as the redirection of Jupiter, your ruling planet, into the sign of intuitive and feelings-come-first Pisces will help to dial it up in your luck department when it comes to creativity and success.
Capricorn: December 22 to January 19
Saturn, the planet ruling the ambitious goat plus our general sense of structure, had finally completed its retrograde last month, which means you can let that unconscious breath you’ve been holding in go. You might feel as though you’ve finally got your responsibilities on lock, but don’t forget that you can’t always go at it alone.
An eclipse during the dark and stormy Scorpio might seem just the recipe of a blowup and miscommunications, so bite your tongue to avoid getting bitter. When Venus enters Sagittarius on Nov. 16, followed by Mercury on Nov. 17, the fire sign’s warmth makes it easier to express your (positive and loving) feelings with better reciprocity. In fact, it is this human connection that will help you to achieve your grand ambitions, so let loose a bit and keep the door slightly ajar to welcome in affection.
Aquarius: January 20 to February 18
The business cards are in your favour this month it seems, as there are some opportunities for networking in line. Coupled with the upcoming movement of Jupiter into Pisces on Nov. 23, the time that follows is a particularly helpful period for directing your attention to rearranging and reprioritising your schedule towards success.
Contrastingly, your personal connections may suffer a bit of a strain in the light of, or absence of light rather, the solar eclipse on Nov. 8 and the entry of Sun into Sagittarius on Nov. 22 leading some of your arms-length buddies to try to get too close for comfort. Remind them (gently) not to become blinded by the rose tint glow of the holiday season, but don’t forget that you don’t want to be spending the coldest days of the year alone.
Pisces: February 19 to March 20
The earlier rounds of November make every day feel like a chore you have to trudge along to get through, and it sucks to hear it, but these slumps are inevitable sometimes. Though big moves are not advised, don’t be afraid to take a step back to reassess the arrangement on your plate, and to pick out the elements that no longer serve you. Use it as a time to lay low, rest, and recuperate your moves ahead when the waters are less choppy.
Still, good news is on the horizon as the entry of Venus into Sagittarius on Nov. 16 affects your tenth house of social statuses, which could lead to an upwards trend in your career or even in taking your relationships to deeper levels. Once Jupiter goes direct into your sign on Nov. 23, then it’s time to go, blazing with energy.
Aries: March 21 to April 19
The month begins for you, dear ram, with somewhat significant shifts in your finances. Triggered by the lunar eclipse on Nov. 8, just be ready to either tighten your wallet or welcome some good news in the wealth department, with either that occurs coming unexpected. Having a contingency plan is always a good idea.
Coming into good use later in the month, with Venus shifting into Sagittarius on Nov. 16, followed by Mercury on Nov. 17. These two phenomena work together to inspire your aesthetic sense and keenness for the pleasures of life, making it just the time for engaging and meaningful conversations, spiritual practices for self-care, and planning your upcoming holiday travels or time off.
Taurus: April 20 to May 20
The harbinger of winter, November will also be bringing in scenes of love into your life, not without its cold shoulders though. Beginning with the soulful lunar eclipse on Nov. 8, you start the month primed for deep emotion, which is due to culminate in the triple Sagittarius explosions on Nov. 16, 17, and 22.
Each respectively presenting the movement of Venus, Mercury, and the Sun into the fiery sign of the centaur, you may be prone to some less than pretty emotions that impair your ability to connect romantically in a healthy way. Look to the new moon in Sagittarius on Nov. 23 as the night to lay all your cards on the table to work towards new beginnings, as that’s what the new lunar cycle represents after all.
Gemini: May 21 to June 20
Ah it’s finally over. With your ruling planet of Mercury finishing its retrograde in October, and the lunar eclipse in Taurus on Nov. 8, the first few weeks of November call for a celebratory rest in a way that prizes the simple pleasures of life over flashy hedonism.
With the transition of Venus into Sagittarius on Nov. 16, and the new moon in the sign on Nov. 22, the time is ripe for manifestations and intention setting. Even if it’s just a simple sweep of your calendar or leaving a couple of lines that chronicle your mood in your journal, the redirect of Jupiter into Pisces on Nov. 23 will lay the groundwork for the abundance to come.
Cancer: June 21 to July 22
Being a sign that’s ruled by the moon, the lunar eclipse on Nov. 8 can hit extra hard for you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your loved ones for support to avoid spiralling down the rabbit hole once the holiday season gets into full swing and you are up to your pincers in party planning and drafting up travel itineraries.
Treat this outreach as a chance to deepen your emotional connections too, as the movement of Venus on Nov. 15 into Sagittarius will make you extra thankful towards the friendships you have. Mercury’s move into Sagittarius is also a great time to get your creative ideas flowing, looking towards the future to set your sights on plans and projects that whet your passions.
Leo: July 23 to Aug. 22
In spite of the move towards hibernation in the world around you, November is a month of rebirth for the Leos. Sparked by the big lunar eclipse on Nov. 8, the dramatics of the atmosphere play to your natural affinity for taking to the main spotlight, unleashing your fiery beast.
This sense of assertion is especially prominent in the realm of your career, so take this as the time to really ask yourself what sort of work you find the most fulfilling. Look to the new moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter’s re-routing into the sign of Pisces, both falling on Nov. 23, as an occasion for self-introspection and goals setting.
Virgo: Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
A headstrong sign that presents a strong and palpable presence amongst others, November is a time that challenges your sense of security in your close relationships and connections. As communicative Mercury moves into Sagittarius on Nov. 17, use the opportunity to gather your thoughts and say your piece, a process that can cull the real allies from the orbiters and acquaintances.
Since the sun rules your fourth house of familial relationships and home life, plus Jupiter ruling your seventh house of partnerships, the sun’s move into Sagittarius on Nov. 22 and Jupiter’s falling into Pisces on Nov. 23 are both forces that affect how you may approach your interpersonal boundaries. Be aware that a disregard for your sense of self entirely, or the inverse of setting too far a distance between yourself and others, can lead to flare-ups once the holiday season hits.
Libra: September 23 to October 22
A Venusian sign, Libras are easily swayed by movements in the oppositional Mars, which has just reset after its retrograde at the tail end of last month, as well as by the dances of planet Venus itself. Luckily for you, the entry of Venus into Sagittarius on Nov. 16 this month makes for a fluid and flourishing period for you to have some productive back-and-forth with the people at your work.
Whilst an overflow of riches isn’t a guarantee, the time is one that definitely helps you fill your cup in the area of abundance and self-worth. When Jupiter hits direct and enters Pisces on Nov. 23, then the dial really starts to turn up on your drive to meet your wants and goals.
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