Revo Foods Debuts Nutritious 3D-Printed Vegan Salmon

Have Your Salmon 3D Printed & Eat It Too: Revo Foods’ New Vegan Salmon

Header Revo Foods Debuts Nutritious 3 D Printed Vegan Salmon Photo by Revo Foods

Vienna-based startup Revo Foods has taken a revolutionary leap in sustainable food technology with its introduction of a 3D-printed vegan salmon named ‘THE FILET’.

One of the notable ingredients in 'THE FILET' is mycoprotein, chosen for its inherent meat-like texture and minimal processing needs. The fillet not only resembles the texture of real salmon but is also nutritionally enriched with Omega-3, all 9 essential amino acids, and a variety of vitamins including vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, B12, and D2.

Revo Foods’ New Vegan Salmon

The cutting-edge technology involves a unique extrusion method that enables the integration of fats into a fibrous protein matrix. Using food-grade syringes, the ingredient mixture is then methodically deposited layer by layer through a food-grade nozzle. The result is a filament-like matrix that closely mimics the fibrous nature of salmon.

Not only does the vegan salmon fillet offer a sustainable and cruelty-free alternative to traditional seafood, but its production also boasts significant environmental savings. Compared to its aquatic counterpart, the production of the 3D printed salmon results in a reduction of CO2 emissions by 77-86% and uses 95% less freshwater.

As of publish, 'THE FILET' will be available for purchase on Revo Foods’ online store for intra-European deliveries, beginning Oct. 1. More details on purchase for worldwide delivery are to be revealed.

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