Best Low Maintenance House Plants That Are Easy to Care For
Asia/Urbanite/Home Decors

Low Maintenance House Plants to Refresh Your Indoor Space with No Effort

Header Best Low Maintenance House Plants That Are Easy to Care For

Becoming a plant-parent is exciting, but when there’s so many varieties of wonderful potters and hangers to choose from, with all the accompanying plant-care skills to learn, the endeavour can suddenly feel rather overwhelming. Whether you are an apartment dweller lacking in good lighting and outdoor spaces, or lead a busy lifestyle that makes it difficult to dedicate time to meticulous plant-care, here are some beginner friendly indoor house plants to begin your botanical journey with.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant, also known as mother-in-law's tongue or sansevieria, is a tough plant in the succulent family that grows well in virtually any indoor space. Its upright, leathery, sword-like leaves are usually marbled in gorgeous corn-yellow streaks and may be edged with bright grey or white. Additionally, there is a mini version with thinner leaves that is shorter in height, perfect as a desk mate.

It is capable of surviving in low light and with little water, while still maintaining its attractive appearance. There are numerous varieties of snake plant with different leaf shapes and patterns. Its unbeatable texture and strong vertical lines definitely help to rank it high on the aesthetic scale, making it a unique and attractive addition to any home.

Jade Plant

Jade Plant is just the house plant for forgetful plant lovers. With its plump flat leaves that give it it’s namesake, and fleshy stems, it is another succulent type that can be met with bright light or some shade. It's very forgiving if you forget to water it for a while but be sure not to swing too far to overcompensate either, as it doesn’t react well to being over-watered.

Over time, it can grow very large in its container and can live for many decades. It stores what it needs in its fleshy stems and leaves, so it can survive for weeks and even months without water. As it grows, its thick stems branch out like a small shrub or tree, adding fun contrast when grown alongside other succulents with comparatively more squat shapes.

ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant, sometimes nicknamed the "eternity plant" due to its long-lasting nature, is a great choice for those looking for a low maintenance houseplant. Native to East Africa and Tanzania, this plant is able to survive in hot and dry climates due to its ability to store water in its rhizome. It can thrive in low light and go weeks without water, making it an ideal addition to your home if you are constantly in-and-out.

Its deep green, rubbery smooth leaves are arranged on either side of gently arching stems, giving it a sturdy, almost plastic-like look. For a unique twist, consider the 'Raven' variety which has almost black leaves, perfect for creating a moody atmosphere.


A Pothos is the perfect plant for those who struggle to keep their houseplants alive. With cute heart-shaped leaves, it also makes for a versatile piece of décor; as it’s a vining plant that is equally at home hanging in a basket, climbing a pole, or spilling over the edge of a table or shelf. It can go a long time without water, is not fussy about light levels and is not affected by low humidity.

The Pothos is also commonly called ‘devil's ivy’ and can be found in both plain green and variegated varieties. Pothos are an easy-care plant that is a great choice for office spaces or small homes and is one of the best choices for most chilled-out gardeners. Thriving even under fluorescents it’s great for people who need a lasting plant for low-light situations.


Philodendron houseplants are often mistaken for Pothos plants because of their similar leaf shape, though the stems of Pothos plants are typically grooved and the stems of philodendrons are not. Split-leaf philodendron has become especially popular in recent years, due to its hardiness and wide variety of forms that all make for a great visual addition to any space.

There are two main forms of philodendrons: vining and non-climbing. Vining types are great to add to a planter or pot, while vining types are good for upper-level shelving and for hanging. Philodendrons are incredibly adaptable and can thrive in low-light spaces with minimal watering. Plus, they have a fast growth rate, and have been said to be particularly effective for air purification in your home.

House Plant Care Basics

Lucky for us humans, we have long tamed these few varieties of plants to grow and flourish in our homes and in indoor environments since centuries ago. Like us, the temperature range that is ideal for indoor plant varieties generally hovers around 15-20 degrees Celsius.

Signs your plant is going through something abnormal usually includes yellowing leaves, wilted or brown spots, stunted growth in the form of stems hanging or leaves snapping off prematurely. In either case, it’s best to consult sources that can diagnose the problems specifically to your plant species.

It isn’t always easy to check how moist or needy soil is for water with the naked eye, though the rule of (green) thumb is to feel the soil and only water it when the first inch or so is dry to the touch. Essentially, giving these greens their fair share of hydration, light, and love is all you need to succeed at letting your indoor garden thrive. Happy planting!

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