How You Can Live Waste Free in Bangkok | The Beat Asia

Waste-Free in Bangkok: Five Ways to Make It a Reality

Tips on How to Live Sustainably in BKK Thailand

You may not know it, but Thailand is doing a lot to become a true sustainable, zero-waste country. Macro-level commitments like The Green Bangkok 2030 Project and the UNESCO Sustainable Travel Pledge by Thai hotels steer the country into the right direction when it comes to turning away from unnecessarily multilevel energy expense. This, in all its forms, could just be the root cause of the never-ending conundrums about climate change.

However, as an individual, you do not have to wait seven more years to turn your consumption habits into something more earth friendly. And as much as we are counting on the powers-that-be to get started, there are far too many resources at your disposal to delay any meaningful change.

Here are a few things that you can do to get you started on a less wasteful life.

Bring Liquid Containers With You

Hydration is essential when living in Thailand. So, wherever you can, you should always have a water container with you. Far more than being a water container, you can use it as a container alternative when you buy milk tea or coffee. You might think you are not doing much but the fact that you do away with single-use plastic is a big deal. Jason Momoa would be proud of you.

Jokes aside, this piece of advice would help in turning around what is called “waste colonialism” or richer (e.g., western/European) countries shipping their plastic and paper waste to developing (e.g., southeast Asian) countries. It is something that personally affects a number of Thai locals, so heeding this one thing is going to be beneficial to many.

Think About What (and Why, How, and Where) You Dispose

The backend of consumerism, which is the point when people decide to dispose whatever they bought, is a lot more impactful than you think. Let us keep this simple:

  • Paper (e.g., cartons, boxes, and containers) – If you accumulate a lot of it, try to compile all the sizable paper materials you have, such as appliance boxes or dry goods containers, before disposing them. It simply makes it easier for those who will pick up your trash. If it is wet, dispose immediately.
  • Broken electronics – You need specialised disposal for broken electronics. Among the many reasons why you should do it properly is ther are valuable, and possibly noxious if improperly disposed, components inside any piece of modern tech. AIS in Thailand has a lot of drop-off sites where you can just leave your broken gadget. Or you can answer the call for using less tech in your life, something that costs less for you and our world.

“Reuse, reduce, recycle” might be corny and old, but you may just save humanity from a lot of climate-related headaches in integrating these three very simple things in your life.

Drive Less and If You Can, Do Not Drive at All

In Thailand, driving has to be a second-class option given what you have to go through. Any expat or local can tell you this. So, if and when you can, spare yourself the stress and cost to drive in Bangkok. There are simpler ways to get around. Any small thing in this department will go a long way.

We do realise that this is much easier to preach than do, especially to those who depend on automobiles for commuting. But, as a start, some change in your driving habits could put you in a less car-dependent reality. With Bangkok becoming more crowded by the day, it is not so far-fetched to see a future where relying less on cars can be beneficial to your life.

Use Your Smart Phone to Its Max Potential

If you are going to buy something as expensive as an iPhone, you might as well use it until it breaks. More than that, though, any smartphone has far more capabilities than you think. And with smartphones becoming so much smarter, it can honestly be an all-in-one life tool.

Note taking, calling, messaging, reading, ordering food, navigating, planning your trip, watching content, getting in touch with the current zeitgeist, following your favourite band, looking for a product, shopping for a part of your weekly needs, looking for a potential short weekend trip. There is so much you can save, other than your money, just by relying on the basic functionalities of your phone.

Becoming Your Own Source of Food

Both parts easier and harder than you think, the ultimate goal for sustainability is for you to be the source of some part of your food intake. Obviously, you are limited to things you can grow but you would be astonished at what is possible if you have even a tiny plot of land or empty space in your house. Many Bangkok locals are already able to produce their own food, which can only mean that if they can do it, then so can you.

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