Activities to Make You Visit Hong Kong Arts Centre ASAP
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Not Sure What to Do in Hong Kong Arts Centre? These Activities in August Will Convince You to Visit ASAP

Photo by Hong Kong Arts Centre

Known as the top source of creative inspiration in the semi-autonomous region, the Hong Kong Arts Centre (HKAC) is located in Wan Chai and has been the education arm of the Hong Kong Art School for the past four decades.

As the only independent non-profit multi-arts center in Hong Kong, the HKAC showcases local and international programs and collaborations. The institution is devoted to building a more vibrant and artistic community in Hong Kong through diverse programs and contemporary arts.

If you’re interested to explore the local art ecosystem, read on to know what to do in Hong Kong Arts Centre.

August 2021 “On Show” Events

Here We Are. Here We Go.: Swiss Documentaries on Adolescence

This event features inspiring stories of the young generation as they march towards adulthood, with nothing but resilience and mental toughness as coping strategies. The documentaries are also timely given the struggles facing many people today due to the pandemic.

The event will be held at Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre, and is open to everyone until August 30. The ticket price ranges from HK$64 to HK$80. For more information, click here.

There’s Nothing Left to Say Exhibit

This event takes place at The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School and is open for viewing until August 10 from 11 AM to 8 PM.

This exhibit aims to keep our minds off the worry track and reduce anxieties while exploring various artworks and their hidden meanings. The participating artists include Cheng Wing Yee, Argus Fong, Jeanie Ho, Hung Po Po, and Connie Lo.

Book Launch Event by Chi-tak Li

The event highlights Chi-tak Li’s new book featuring 10 iconic comic styles inspired by the stories of renowned novelist and short story writer Franz Kafka. Guests can also marvel at the display of original comics during the event.

Those who will attend the book launch will have the chance to win a limited-edition Moleskine notebook and an exclusive book signature from the comic artist.

Other Activities to Do in Hong Kong Arts Centre

Visit The Art Shop

Filled with artistic local creations, the HKAC Art Shop offers interesting gift ideas and affordable art-related items. Everyone who visits the art institution is encouraged to support local artists' products.

You can see a variety of artsy bags, pouches, books, painting materials, ceramics, artist collections, and many more.

Docent Programme and Guided Tour Service

Here’s a unique program by the HKAC that will surely entice art enthusiasts!

Led by professionally trained docents (teaching staff), this program consists of interactive tours and art learning activities available for students, community groups, and foreign and physically challenged visitors. During the tour, you will delve into the HKAC's architectural features, contemporary art exhibitions, and art education.

Enjoy the HKAC signature coffee at The Corner

You’ll never run out of things to do in Hong Kong Arts Centre. After touring the area, you can visit The Corner where you can have a sip of its signature coffee while enjoying the cozy surroundings. The self-roasted coffee bean, “Tony” & “Maggie,” is made from sustainable coffee farming and is worth HK$3 only. Proceeds from every cup sold will be donated to the HKAC in support of local arts.

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