JOMO Travel: Embracing the Joy of Missing Out on the Go

In a world driven by FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), the concept of JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) is like a breath of fresh air. Social media has given us daily updates on what to see and do around the world, making people hungry for experiences and encouraging them to pack as much as possible into their itineraries once they get the chance to visit these destinations.
But let’s face it, going on jam-packed vacations beats the purpose of going on a break, which is to relax and unwind from the hustle of work life. Thus, a new travel trend emerged: JOMO, which is all about savoring the moment, taking our time, and prioritizing meaningful experiences.
But JOMO travel isn’t just about skipping the crowded touristy spots or going without an actual itinerary. In fact, it’s more of a mindset, one that encourages us to embrace slower and more intentional journeys. This explainer delves into the essence of JOMO travel — what it is, why it’s resonating with so many travelers today, and how you can incorporate it into your own adventures.
What is JOMO?
JOMO didn’t just pop out of nowhere. The term was coined by a blogger and tech CEO Anil Dash in 2012 when he expressed in a post how he related less to FOMO since becoming a parent.
FOMO is a trademark of Patrick J. McGinnis who wrote in a paper how his life as a student at Harvard Business School back in 2002 has cultivated a feeling of fear of missing out on things due to the onslaught of activities and events on campus.
He wrote, “Life at HBS was what I imagine it would be like to live life inside of a social network. Every overstuffed day was like a real-world mashup of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, even though none of those companies existed at the time. You lived in a self-obsessed bubble where news traveled at the speed of lightning, so your conversations and your brags (humble or otherwise) served as a proxy social network, performing many of the same functions as a news feed, a witty Instagram story, or a snarky tweet.”
“This environment cultivated a pervasive fear of being left out of the action going on around you, especially if it could end up being bigger, better, and brighter than what you were doing at the moment. Even if you didn’t have a name for such feelings, and my classmates and I didn’t yet have one, you constantly struggled with them.”
Before graduating in 2004, Patrick wrote about his new favorite word “FOMO” on the school paper, and it became a hit on campus. Then slowly, FOMO took a life of its own and dominated the world over the next decade.
This term permeated a culture of staying connected and updated at all times, which is basically what the “digital life” is all about. But constant connection can eventually wear us down. In John Mulaney’s first Netflix special, “New in Town,” he jokes that “canceling plans is like heroin.” The bit aired in 2012, which was a little bit ahead of its time as it acknowledged the cure to that somewhat inescapable fear of missing out. It was months later when Anil Dash wrote about JOMO.
He quoted: “I’d been mostly offline for more than a month, and during that time had barely checked in on anything online, and seldom even left the house. It was wonderful. So the FOMO lament didn’t particularly resonate with me; I wasn’t missing anything. I hadn’t realized that I was not only not in fear, but actually in a state of joy.”
The meme had gone viral on and off through the years, but it resurged recently in the sphere of travel as more people are choosing chill trips over action-packed holidays.
JOMO Travel is a philosophy that focuses on slowing down, being present, and enjoying a more intentional and mindful way of exploring the world. You don’t have to go to every famed landmark or eat as much as you can to get a taste of local cuisine to have a great time. It's a movement that encourages travelers to embrace the quiet moments; to let go of the pressure of keeping up with a packed itinerary and instead pursue activities that are more in tune with what you want at the moment — experiences that genuinely bring you happiness and peace.
A Shift in Perspective
We feel FOMO the most when we’re online seeing all these travelers pursuing action-packed trips. There’s nothing bad about doing more on a trip, so long as these are things you genuinely want to do and not something you feel like you have to, which is the majority of what social media does. Whether you admit it or not, the digital world is highly influential and encourages that incessant voice in our heads telling us that we have to do this and that to not be left out.
But stressing yourself over with busy vacation plans beats the purpose of going on a vacation. According to Expedia’s Unpack ‘25 Trends report, 62% of travelers say that pursuing JOMO travel reduce stress and anxiety. Half of the correspondents also said that it enhances quality time with loved ones, which brings forth a sense of fulfillment and joy. This only proves that embracing this approach to travel is not only easier but also better for our mental health.
“JOMO Travel is about finding the right place to truly unplug and enjoy the quiet moments that are so often hard to come by,” said Melanie Fish, Head of Expedia Brands PR.

At its core, JOMO travel is about focusing on meaningful connections with people, places, and cultures. Travel isn’t a competition of who gets to visit the most places or collect the most “trophies.” It’s about how much you learn from the trip or how you were able to immerse yourself in the destination.
JOMO travel is also about personal fulfillment. When we choose activities and destinations that align with our values and interests, it makes us feel more fulfilled and at peace. We’d feel better knowing the money and time we spent were worth it and put to good use.
2025 is the year to put your mind at ease. You deserve to take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life and to disconnect from the digital world. Put those vacation plans to good use and let go of the fear of missing out.
Some JOMO Retreats To Try
As we ring in 2025, rediscover the simple joys of travel and embrace JOMO. From wandering through quiet streets, savoring a local meal, to spending time in nature without the pressure of social media trends and checking off a bucket list, we’re listing down some suggestions to start planning your JOMO trip.
Find a City Hideout
You don’t have to get on a flight and leave the country to completely unplug. Sometimes, you can just mute your phones and book a relaxing staycation.
Whichever city you choose, there are Airbnb’s, boutique hotels, and budget-friendly stays where you take a few days off. The best thing about staycations is that they’re so easy to plan. You don’t have to worry about flights or transportation and the itinerary can be as loose as you want them to be.
Staycations are a great way to spend some quality time with family too. Play games, share meals, or even have movie marathons. This kind of vacation may also appeal to homebodies looking to finally finish that book they’ve been putting off or simply catch up on sleep. If you’re staying in your city, it’s also an opportunity to wander through the neighborhood and discover new things you’ve yet to experience like a newly opened café or a hole in the wall dining spot you’ve yet to try. It’s definitely a relaxing adventure you should consider taking.
If you’ve got cash to burn, opt for luxurious stays at a fancy hotel and splurge a little on room service, spa treatments, and other offerings that will leave you refreshed and rejuvenated by the end of your holiday.
Get Your Dose of Vitamin Sea
There’s nothing more soothing than being lulled to sleep by the sound of waves lapping on the shore. Vacations hit different when you go to the beach. From the travel there to the first glimpse of the cerulean waters is a spellbinding experience. It’s almost as if you can feel your muscles relaxing the closer you get to shore, your body leaving behind the stress and responsibilities of life.
Find a nice hotel by the beach or splurge on a private island rental for the ultimate beach getaway. It’s the perfect place to unwind while still having access to a wide range of activities from water sports like surfing and snorkeling to going on nature excursion tours and trying out the local cuisine.
Cruise Through Life
It’s a sweet life on deck and what better way to unplug than to get on a boat and go sailing for a week or two? Okay, given a cruise isn’t exactly the most unplugged destination considering you’ll have access to Wi-Fi, facilities, the works, but it’s the thought of being surrounded by the waves away from the city with the promise of new and exciting destinations to explore that makes it the perfect JOMO travel plan.
Some cruise liners offer itineraries with stops across several destinations in Southeast Asia which allows guests to go off port and explore the city for a few days. Aboard the ship, you’ll have access to spa facilities as well as meals and snacks throughout the day. There’s live entertainment, shops, and comfortable staterooms to keep you occupied without the stress of having to make your itinerary. The days are pretty much your own and the best part is getting to wake up to breathtaking views of the ocean all day.
Check out some of our cruise recs here.
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