50%-off Roundtrip Tickets for Intl. Visitors to Macau via HK

Foreign Visitors to Macau via Hong Kong to Enjoy 50% Round Trip Tickets

Foreign Visitors to Macau via Hong Kong to Enjoy 50 Round Trip Tickets

Macau’s tourism authorities announced a ‘buy one, get one free’ transport offer for international visitors entering Macau via Hong Kong.

The promotion will be available from mid-April to the end of June, and will be an extension of a similar deal previously only available to Hong Kong residents staying more than one night in Macau. The promotion will apply to both shuttle bus and ferry services.

The Macau government hopes to attract more international tourists by leveraging Hong Kong’s transport infrastructure. Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, a government official, has hinted there may be further travel subsidies available soon, including for tourists from Taiwan.

In late 2020, the government announced it would underwrite group tours arranged by local travel agencies to a maximum of MOP37.50 per head, with larger subsidies for travellers outside Guangdong province.

It is expected that foreign visitors will be granted similar financial stimulus incentives in the near future, with more details to be announced later in the year.

Since group tours returned to Macau from mainland China in February this year, over 2,000 tours with 60,400 participants made the journey, with 1,400 of them supported with financial subsidies from the government.

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